The enemy of my enemy
Watts Martin points out a simple truth often forgotten on the web: when the people you hate target someone, that target is not necessarily worthy of your love. Loving WikiLeaks should not require you to love alleged rapist (and demonstrable egotist) Julian Assange, but that fact appears to be lost on thousands of online protestors. Likewise Megaupload: it was a company designed to profit off of the illegal activities of its users. It's not a huge surprise to discover that the company's founders were pretty unethical.
These are important distinctions to be made. Hating the actions of a political dictatorship should not mean that you embrace the actions and methods of the terrorists fighting that government. Hating when government and the police over-reach does not, and should not, require that you celebrate criminals. The world is full of important, complex issues and you do them a disservice by reducing them to white hat-black hat binary poles. Look for the truth in the middle; that's almost always where you'll find it.